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We offer the best search filters options to help you find the vehicle you're looking for fast. Find specific salvage cars filtering by Vehicle Type, Year, Make, Model, Title Type and Location. You can also search using the Quick Picks options to find cars that fall under a variety of categories. If you have the lot number you can enter it in the Search by Lot# field to find cars for auction. Lastly, you can find cars for sale by using the Quick Search bar at the top of the page.

Once you have found the vehicle you're looking for, you can visit the Copart facility where it is stored to inspect the vehicle, please you must contact the facility before going, and once you are sure it is the vehicle you want, register with us and buy it at auction prices. Get started by searching today and find cheap repairable salvage cars for sale.

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Salvage Reseller Car Auctions

Salvage Reseller stands out as the premier online destination for individuals seeking exceptional deals on salvage, clean, wrecked, and repairable cars for sale. Our platform bridges the gap between buyers and extensive selection of vehicles through user-friendly online car auctions. With almost 20 years in the industry, we cater to a diverse clientele, including those looking for unique repo cars from insurance auto auctions. We're proud to be not only Copart's longest running broker but also the only Copart registered broker with an A+ BBB rating, ensuring top-notch service.

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As Copart brokers, we provide direct access to dealer-only inventory. No dealer license Required! Are you ready to buy your next car for a fraction of its market cost?
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